The main difference between Hydro Quebec projects or Churchill Falls and the Muskrat Falls project are the subsea component of the transmission lines as well as 1100 KM of new HVDC lines to the island substation on the east coast. Muskrat Falls will involve HVDC submarine transmission between Labrador and the island of Newfoundland (30 KM), and a lower capacity submarine HVDC line between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (180 KM).
According to the backgrounder document at Nalcor, the link between Labrador and the island (1100 KM) will cost 2.1 billion, while the link to Nova Scotia will cost 1.2 billion.
If we only look at the portion of the equation related to Newfoundland, the cost for Muskrat Falls is 5 billion (2.9 generation and Labrador transmission plus 2.1 Labrador-Island link). From what I understand, the 2.1 billion covers the 30 KM submarine link plus 1100 KM over land transmission.
This is a big chunk of the total cost. Again, I like to compare it to something similar.
World-beating €1.1bn under-sea cable to connect England and Scotland |
I found this sentence at the wikipedia entry on "Costs of high voltage DC transmission":
Normally manufacturers such as Alstom, Siemens and ABB do not state specific cost information of a particular project since this is a commercial matter between the manufacturer and the client.This is a strange business requirement, as I would think the public have a right to know the price of things being done for public utilities.
Like SNC Lavalin, only a handful of companies have expertise in this. The way news articles avoid mentioning the costs with HVDC would make it seem they prefer it isn't on anyone's minds. Why? Is there something to hide? Is there collusion in this industry, or do they have some of the same problems as SNC Lavalin? How much is the markup on this? Do the power companies have no choice but to say yes to whatever the quoted price is?
I realize there are great engineering challenges to these projects which may push up costs. Here is an example, the "Review of in-cloud icing on the Long Range Mountain Ridge"...
European example of in-cloud icing |
Power lines in proximity to the sea can involve icing problems which never happen in the interior of Labrador. For the 13 years I lived in Churchill Falls, we never saw ice or snow stick to any hydro towers, guy wires nor power lines. On a snowy day, while standing under the line, the snowflakes sizzled. The temperature dipped far below -40C on many days and the lines were always bare.
Rime ice and in-cloud icing is a problem which will exist along the Labrador coast and through the long range mountains of western Newfoundland. One can expect there will be additional costs with whatever defenses must be built-in to combat this problem.
The question remains, are quotes like 2.1 billion for 1100 KM HVDC transmission a reasonable price to pay? With the HVDC industry's "we no talk" policy, it is hard to compare this project to any other.